Thanks Ben! I rarely ever read blogs, not because they aren't good, but because of dyslexia and ADHD conspiring against focussed attention (no, please don't do anything audio version - they send me to sleep).

Yours though cuts through - we were both at Supernormal and, clearly I was doing things all the time and saw lots.. I'm glad one of us has a functioning memory.

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Thanks, Phil!

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Can't wait to hear Andrew as Uncle! What a show 🪴

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Thanks, Anwen!

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Oh, that Stewart Lee-curated stage sounds wonderful, wish I could have been there. I love the Bohman brothers - in fact, my first ever blog post, in February 2001, was about them! I once had an extended correspondence with Adam Bohman, and exchanged some CDs, all due to a misprint in the London Musicians Collective director of members, which made him think that I played cello.

I went to Stuart Lee's ATP a few years ago (which, despite the legend that it was a complete disaster, was actually a fucking wonderful weekend). At the time I had completely forgotten about The Bevis Frond (I was quite into them - although not as much as my friends - in the late 80s/early 90s). I almost cried when I saw them there, and heard them play Lights Are Changing, such a wonderful band. I went up to Stuart afterwards to thank him for putting them on. Had no idea Nick Saloman was 71 though, I'd assumed he was just a couple of years older than me. Also worth checking out his heavier project Outskirts of Infinity.

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Thanks, Dan! I was aware of The Bevis Frond in the 90s but never actually heard them and assumed from the name they were a sub-Ozrics crusty hippy thing. A shame as, being a Dinosaur Jr. and Byrds-loving student at the time, I'm sure I would've loved them then if I'd had the chance. I came in with 2018's We're You're Friends Man and have been catching up on the older stuff since. Never went to any of the ATPs, although I had some correspondence with Stewart Lee about doing a talk around my Texan Psych book at the one you mentioned; he was enthusiastic at first but it all petered out. By the way, they played 'Lights Are Changing' the other night (and despite running out of time, encored with Lee's favourite, 'High In A Flat)'.

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S'funny, if they _had_ been a sub-Ozrics crusty hippy thing then I imagine I would have been a lot more into them in the 90s, as that was totally my bag at the time (admittedly I quite liked the Byrds too). But my musical tastes have improved radically with age, and when I heard them after that long, long gap, my heart just melted.

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